"The christian religion is a parody on the worship of the Sun, in which they put a man whom they call Christ, in the place of the Sun, and pay him the same adoration which was originally paid to the Sun." - Thomas Paine
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Friday, November 12, 2010
Representative John Shimkus (R - IL) Shamlessly Professes His Ignorance
He may be right in saying that man will not destroy the Earth. The problem is will the Earth be able to support humans if we abandon all reason and science. When politicians declare they are people of faith, we should automatically loose all confidence in them as serving the people. Not only can we not serve two masters, if one master is an imaginary friend, we have no clue as to what guides the person's thought processes and what irrationally spontaneous whim may become law. I believe public office should be open so most anyone can run and serve, but this makes me wonder if there should be some sort of insanity test as a requirement.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Humanists Launch Largest National Advertising Campaign Critical of Religious Scripture
Washington, D.C., November 9, 2010
A national multimedia ad campaign – the largest, most extensive ever by a godless organization - launches today and will include a spot on NBC Dateline on Friday, November 12, as well as other television ads, that directly challenge biblical morality and fundamentalist Christianity. The campaign, sponsored by the American Humanist Association, also features ads in major national and regional newspapers and magazines demonstrating that secular humanist values are consistent with mainstream America and that fundamentalist religion has no right to claim the moral high ground.
The ads juxtapose notable humanist quotes with passages from religious texts, including the Old Testament, the New Testament and the Quran. The ads then ask the audience to "Consider Humanism." One example is the following pairing: The Bible: “A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent.” I Timothy 2 (New International Version) Humanism: “The rights of men and women should be equal and sacred—marriage should be a perfect partnership.” Robert G. Ingersoll, in a letter dated April 13, 1878. Another pairing is: The Bible: “The people of Samaria must bear their guilt, because they have rebelled against their God. They will fall by the sword; their little ones will be dashed to the ground, their pregnant women ripped open.” God, Hosea 13:16 (New International Version) Humanism: “I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are modeled after our own—a God, in short, who is but a reflection of human frailty.” Albert Einstein, column for The New York Times, Nov. 9, 1930
To see images and videos of the ads and find more information about the campaign please visit: http://www.considerhumanism.org.
"Humanist values are mainstream American values, and this campaign will help many people realize that they are already humanists and just did not know the term," said Roy Speckhardt, executive director of the American Humanist Association. "Humanists believe in and value love, equality, peace, freedom and reason – values that are comparable to those of moderate and liberal religious people."
In addition to the television ad on NBC, ads will also be displayed on cable channels. Print ads will appear in major newspapers, including USA Today, the Seattle Times, the Village Voice, the Atlanta Journal Constitution, the Independent Triangle, and the San Francisco Chronicle, and magazines, including Reason and The Progressive. Ads will also appear on Metro trains in Washington, D.C., on billboards on I-95 near Philadelphia and in Moscow, Idaho, and on buses in select cities.
"We want to reach people in every corner of the U.S., from all walks of life, to raise the flag for humanists and show others that they have more in common with us than with biblical literalists," said Speckhardt.
"It's important that people recognize that a literal reading of religious texts is completely out of touch with mainstream America," Speckhardt added. "Although religious texts can teach good lessons, they also advocate fear, intolerance, hate and ignorance. It's time for all moderate people to stand up against conservative religion's claim on a moral monopoly."
All quotes from religious texts were checked by scripture scholars to ensure accuracy, context and proper translation.
The Stiefel Freethought Foundation was the primary sponsor of the Consider Humanism campaign with a $150,000 donation. Another $50,000 was raised from supporters of the American Humanist Association for the launch of this campaign, bringing the total ad buy to $200,000 so far.
The American Humanist Association (www.americanhumanist.org) advocates for the rights and viewpoints of humanists. Founded in 1941 and headquartered in Washington, D.C., its work is extended through over 140 local chapters and affiliates across America. Humanism is the idea that you can be good without a belief in God.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Ultimatum to Obama and all Hostiles, Surrender or Die!
Yes this sounds crazy, but is it really any more distributional than the virgin birth, raising the dead, and Armageddon? Well, maybe a little, but probably only because we are more failure with those stories.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Friday, November 5, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
Killing Reconciliation: Military Raids, Backing of Corrupt Government Undermining Stated US Goals in Afghanistan
The Obama administration says it is backing a strategy of reconciliation with the Taliban. But just back from Afghanistan, unembedded investigative journalists Jeremy Scahill and Rick Rowley say night raids by US Special Operations are killing the reconciliation the administration claims to support. [includes rush transcript]
Link to the article in The Nation....
America's True History of Religious Tolerance
The idea that the United States has always been a bastion of religious freedom is reassuring—and utterly at odds with the historical record.
By Kenneth C. Davis
Smithsonian magazine, October 2010
Read the full article here.....
By Kenneth C. Davis
Smithsonian magazine, October 2010
From the earliest arrival of Europeans on America’s shores, religion has often been a cudgel, used to discriminate, suppress and even kill the foreign, the “heretic” and the “unbeliever” — including the “heathen” natives already here. Moreover, while it is true that the vast majority of early-generation Americans were Christian, the pitched battles between various Protestant sects and, more explosively, between Protestants and Catholics, present an unavoidable contradiction to the widely held notion that America is a “Christian nation.”
Read the full article here.....
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Anti-Gay Fervor in Uganda Tied to Right-Wing US Evangelicals
Less talked about are the ties between the anti-gay measure and the far-right evangelical movement here in the United States. The author of the bill is David Bahati, a Ugandan lawmaker who has close ties to US organized evangelical groups that operate across several African countries. The groups are members of parliamentary prayer fellowships organized by the Family, one of the most powerful Christian conservative groups in Washington, DC.
The Family, also known as the Fellowship, is so highly secretive it didn’t even admit it existed until last year, when three political sex scandals, those of South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford, Nevada Senator John Ensign, and former Mississippi Congress member Chip Pickering, forced it into the open. All three men lived at one time in the Family’s clubhouse on Capitol Hill, known as the "C Street House."
For more, we’re joined by journalist and author Jeff Sharlet, author of the bestseller The Family. His new book is C Street: The Fundamentalist Threat to American Democracy. He traveled to Uganda earlier this year and wrote in-depth articles on the anti-gay legislation for Harper’s Magazine and The Advocate. Jeff Sharlet joins us now from Dartmouth College, where he’s an assistant professor of English.
The full transcript can be found here..
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Homer and Bart are Catholic, Declares Vatican Newspaper
More proof that they just don't get many things, including sarcasm. Homer is the culmination of many bad American stereotypes.
by Associated Press
No kidding....
Read the full article here....
by Associated Press
VATICAN CITY — The Vatican newspaper has declared that Homer Simpson is part of the pope's flock — a claim that leaves "The Simpsons" TV producer baffled.
"Few people know it and he does everything to hide it but it is true: Homer J. Simpson is Catholic," L'Osservatore Romano wrote in its weekend edition under the headline: "Homer and Bart are Catholic."...
But the show's producer told Entertainment Weekly the Vatican may have gone a step too far in its analysis of the satire, noting that Homer and Bart only consider converting in the 2005 episode.
No kidding....
Read the full article here....
Religion Derails Logic Once Again
A message from the self-professed Third Eagle of the Apocalypse... Note: People that give themselves a nickname are suspect. I hope no one saw me watch this or they may think something is wrong with me I shook my head in disbelief so much. This issue upsets me and should not be taken lightly because it is this same illogical premise held by the Pope that has, is and will kill countless people all over the world especially in Africa.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Film Depicting Woman's Stoning in Iran
What blows me away is that many western countries will not denounce this action, but have no problems ignoring all inspector's reports saying there is no nuclear weapons program in Iran. It is time that religion, all religion, when entering in the public arena, should be held to the same tests of logic and morality as other views while giving no privilege. This is what a Theocracy looks like. This is why I oppose religion when it enters the the public arena, especially when it enters the political arena. A good deterrent would be to remove the tax exempt status of any organized group, especially religious groups, that become at all political.
Lack of belief in gods
<object width="500" height="400"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/sNDZb0KtJDk?fs=1&hl=en_US&rel=0&color1=0x006699&color2=0x54abd6"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/sNDZb0KtJDk?fs=1&hl=en_US&rel=0&color1=0x006699&color2=0x54abd6" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="500" height="400"></embed></object>
Hitler was a Christian
Hitler was a Christian and stated Christianity as the the basis of his morality. I am not sure where the rumor of Hitler being an atheist got it's wings.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
How Radical Christian Conservatives May Succeed in Destroying Democracy
By Chris Hedges
Full article can be found here....
There is a yearning by tens of millions of Americans, lumped into a diffuse and fractious movement, to destroy the intellectual and scientific rigor of the Enlightenment. They seek out of ignorance and desperation to create a utopian society based on “biblical law.” They want to transform America’s secular state into a tyrannical theocracy. These radicals, rather than the terrorists who oppose us, are the gravest threat to our open society. They have, with the backing of hundreds of millions of dollars in corporate money, gained tremendous power. They peddle pseudoscience such as “Intelligent Design” in our schools. They keep us locked into endless and futile wars of imperialism. They mount bigoted crusades against gays, immigrants, liberals and Muslims. They turn our judiciary, in the name of conservative values, over to corporations. They have transformed our liberal class into hand puppets for corporate power. And we remain meek and supine.
Full article can be found here....
NJ Dealer Rewards Anti-Koran Pastor With Car
Car dealer Brad Benson made the pitch to Florida pastor Terry Jones in one of his quirky radio ads: If you don’t burn a Koran, I’ll give you a new car. He was surprised, though, when a representative for Jones called to collect the 2011 Hyundai Accent, retailing for $14,200.
“They said unless I was doing false advertising, they would like to arrange to pick up the car,” Benson recalled. At first he thought it was a hoax, so Benson asked Jones to send in a copy of his driver’s license. He did.
Link to full story...
From "Words, Words, Words"
I saw this last night on Comedy Central and was happy to find it this morning.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Christopher Hitchens and Rabbi Harold on Circumcision
This is the perfect example of when one should speak open and frankly to the lunacy of some religious practice, and of course Hitches rises to the occasion.
The Nightline Face-Off: Does God Have a Future?
This is a many part one but is very interesting. Not the least interesting to watch Chopra crumble under the frustration of his own woo woo.
Come Together and Build a Barn by The Electric Amish
Posting at the risk of exposing my unsophistication. Okay, it's probably way overexposed already...
BBC Horizon 2010: 1/6 What Happened Before the Big Bang
They are the biggest questions that science can possibly ask: where did everything in our universe come from? How did it all begin? For nearly a hundred years, we thought we had the answer: a big bang some 14 billion years ago.
But now some scientists believe that was not really the beginning. Our universe may have had a life before this violent moment of creation.
Horizon takes the ultimate trip into the unknown, to explore a dizzying world of cosmic bounces, rips and multiple universes, and finds out what happened before the big bang.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Eight reasons you won't persuade me to believe in a god
This is not a bad read from PZ Myers over at Pharyngula, and here is an excerpt....
The case for the non-existence of god is not simply a negative one, drawn from the absence of evidence, which can be corrected by throwing in evidence for a miracle. We are atheists because we have a scientific understanding of how the universe works, and the phenomena we observe do not seem to require divine intervention to function. So sure, show me a tap-dancing Jesus poofing loaves and fishes into existence with a snap of his fingers…and I'll ask how his existence influences chemistry, how the silly bearded man matters in the last few billions of years of evolution, and why he isn't publishing in the physics journals, where his omniscient insight into the machineries of the world might be better appreciated. Even there, though, I'd question whether adding tap-dancing Jesus to the long list of existent phenomena really helps us understand anything.
Fort Worth City Councilman Joel Burns on the Suicides of Gay Teens
Notice what was said to the teens, obviously the bullies are acting exactly like they were taught good Christians were supposed to act by their church and/or families. Kids would not have come up with these prejudices on their own.
America's True History of Religious Tolerance
The idea that the United States has always been a bastion of religious freedom is reassuring—and utterly at odds with the historical record
By Kenneth C. Davis
Smithsonian magazine, October 2010
From the earliest arrival of Europeans on America's shores, religion has often been a cudgel, used to discriminate, suppress and even kill the foreign, the "heretic" and the "unbeliever"—including the "heathen" natives already here. Moreover, while it is true that the vast majority of early-generation Americans were Christian, the pitched battles between various Protestant sects and, more explosively, between Protestants and Catholics, present an unavoidable contradiction to the widely held notion that America is a "Christian nation."
Click to read the entire article....
Voices of Reason -- Sam Harris: The Moral Landscape
Questions of good and evil, and right and wrong, are commonly thought unanswerable by science. But in his new book "The Moral Landscape: How Science Can Determine Human Values," Sam Harris argues that science can -- and should -- be an authority on moral issues, shaping human values and setting out what constitutes a good life.
The Center for Inquiry in New York City Oct. 7, 2010
Monday, October 11, 2010
Wright Harris Debate at the Secular Humanism conference in L.A.
For some reason unknown to me, I cannot embed this video, so here is the link.... This is not the most entertaining debate, and it turns into more of a conversation. Perhaps they doth agree too much.
Howard Zinn, A People's History of the United States Chapter 1 Columbus, The Indians, and Human Progress
An excerpt by Bartolomé de las Casas, a young priest who participated in the conquest of Cuba.
It is important we understand the reality of the story of Columbus's intent and the results of that intent. Many people boycott Columbus Day, and the accounting presented here, present very good reasons to boycott, protest or at least educate. Columbus's justifications, of course, came from non other than God and the Pope.
. . . mountains are stripped from top to bottom and bottom to top a thousand times; they dig, split rocks, move stones, and carry dirt on their backs to wash it in the rivers, while those who wash gold stay in the water all the time with their backs bent so constantly it breaks them; and when water invades the mines, the most arduous task of all is to dry the mines by scooping up pansful of water and throwing it up outside . . . .
After each six or eight months' work in the mines, which was the time required of each crew to dig enough gold for melting, up to a third of the men died. While the men were sent many miles away to the mines, the wives remained to work the soil, forced into the excruciating job of digging and making thousands of hills for cassava plants.
Thus husbands and wives were together only once every eight or ten months and when they met they were so exhausted and depressed on both sides . . . .they ceased to procreate. As for the newly born, they died early because their mothers, overworked and famished, had no milk to nurse them, and for this reason, while I was in Cuba, 7000 children died in three months. Some mothers even drowned their babies from sheer desperation . . . .In this way, husbands died in the mines, wives died at work, and children died from lack of milk . . . and in a short time this land which was so great, so powerful and fertile . . . was depopulated . . . .My eyes have seen these acts so foreign to human nature, and now I tremble as I write . . . .
It is important we understand the reality of the story of Columbus's intent and the results of that intent. Many people boycott Columbus Day, and the accounting presented here, present very good reasons to boycott, protest or at least educate. Columbus's justifications, of course, came from non other than God and the Pope.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
"A Universe From Nothing"' by Lawrence Krauss
This is one of those lectures that sweeps you away and you wish it could have lasted longer.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Waiting for "Superman"- Official Trailer
There is nothing more important to the future of humanity than the education and general well-being of our children. I am really looking forward to seeing this.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Police Say Woman Went After Jesus Art With Crowbar
LOVELAND, Colo. (CBS4) A truck driver from Montana who is accused of destroying a controversial piece of artwork at a public art gallery in Loveland was scheduled to appear before a judge through a video link on Thursday afternoon.
Kathleen Folden allegedly screamed "How can you desecrate my lord?" on Wednesday at Loveland Museum and Art Gallery just before breaking some plexiglass surrounding the print of "The Misadventures of the Romantic Cannibals" with a crowbar. She then allegedly tore the print and sat on the floor until police arrived.
"Romantic Cannibals" was a 12-panel lithograph that depicted Jesus involved involved a sex act and it also included comic book characters, Mexican pornography, Mayan symbols and ethnic stereotypes. It ws part of an 82-print exhibit by 10 artists that opened in mid-September and was scheduled to run through late last month.
I would rather see Jesus depicted having a little fun than being brutally tortured or told we are eating him and drinking his blood.
Click to see the full article...
Obama Blocked The Oil Spill Figures To Defraud Taxpayers and Prevent Redress Of Grievances
When the the government puts the interests of corporations, foreign corporations even more so, are put above the interest of the people, and that is considered business as usual, even Mussolini would have called that government fascist.
Barack Obama accused of exaggerating terror threat for political gain
The only real difference between a Democratic and a Republican politician is that the Democrat might give you a reach around.
A US terror alert issued this week about al-Qaida plots to attack targets in western Europe was politically motivated and not based on credible new information, senior Pakistani diplomats and European intelligence officials have told the Guardian.
Let us not forget that he is also helping the people that put him in power to make more money. Do not worry about the reality, let's keep arguing about which imaginary friend he pretends to talk to. Blah...
Click here for the rest of the article....
A US terror alert issued this week about al-Qaida plots to attack targets in western Europe was politically motivated and not based on credible new information, senior Pakistani diplomats and European intelligence officials have told the Guardian.
The non-specific US warning, which despite its vagueness led Britain, France and other countries to raise their overseas terror alert levels, was an attempt to justify a recent escalation in US drone and helicopter attacks inside Pakistan that have "set the country on fire", said Wajid Shamsul Hasan, the high commissioner to Britain.
Hasan, a veteran diplomat who is close to Pakistan's president, suggested the Obama administration was playing politics with the terror threat before next month's midterm congressional elections, in which the Republicans are expected to make big gains.
He also claimed President Obama was reacting to pressure to demonstrate that his Afghan war strategy and this year's troop surge, which are unpopular with the American public, were necessary...
Let us not forget that he is also helping the people that put him in power to make more money. Do not worry about the reality, let's keep arguing about which imaginary friend he pretends to talk to. Blah...
Click here for the rest of the article....
Sights and Scenes from the "One Nation" Rally in Washington, D.C.
I put this up because even big anti-war pro-people rallies are not covered properly by main stream corporate media. Oct. 2, 2010, in Washington, D.C
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Southern Baptist leader on yoga: Not Christianity
LOUISVILLE, Ky. – A Southern Baptist leader who is calling for Christians to avoid yoga and its spiritual attachments is getting plenty of pushback from enthusiasts who defend the ancient practice.
Southern Baptist Seminary President Albert Mohler says the stretching and meditative discipline derived from Eastern religions is not a Christian pathway to God.
Mohler said he objects to "the idea that the body is a vehicle for reaching consciousness with the divine."
"That's just not Christianity," Mohler told The Associated Press.
Click here to continue reading...
Some Neil deGrasse Tyson
I respect this guy's ability to relate complex ideas in simple terms. I saw this first one this morning, but I can't stop with just one.
and oh so many more.....
Bible in Classroom
World to End In 2012...or Not
The God of the Gaps
and oh so many more.....
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Entrapment or Foiling Terror? FBI’s Reliance on Paid Informants Raises Questions about Validity of Terrorism Cases
Prosecutors and defense attorneys made their final arguments this week in the trial of the Newburgh Four, a high-profile case that has made national headlines as a potent example of so-called "homegrown terror."
Bang Goes The Theory: Richard Dawkins on Eye Evolution
This argument comes up occasionally. I do not recall them mentioning it in this video, but there is a salamander that has an eye that is de-evolving, if you will. It is blind now. There is an eel, the Anguila ciega, has lost its eyes all together.
Hillary Clinton now Cosey with Henry Kissinger?
"Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful. This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that they threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead with world leaders to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted to them by their world government."by: Henry Kissinger (1923- ) Former US Secretary of State Source: Speaking at Evian, France, May 21, 1992. Bilderburgers meeting. Unbeknownst to Kissinger, his speech was taped by a Swiss delegate to the meeting.
Christian Lady Sees Jesus in Tumor
Example of not only a strangely diluted woman, but also very poor journalism. How hard is it to do a google search and find out that seeing faces in toast and, this is new to me, tumors is due to the large section of our brain devoted to facial recognition and our minds strong tendency to imagine patterns? Anyway, it is to laugh..
The Twelve Steps of Religion Anonymous
The relative success of the R.A. program seems to be due to the fact that a religious fundamentalist who no longer believes in man-made religions has an exceptional faculty for "reaching" and helping another religious fundamentalist.
In simplest form, the R.A. program operates when a recovered religious fundamentalist passes along the story of his or her own problems of resulting from man-made religious brainwashing and describes finding peace he or she has found in R.A. and invites the newcomer to join. The heart of the suggested program of personal recovery is contained in Twelve Steps describing the experience of the earliest members of the Society:
1. Understood and admitted we were powerless over religious fundamentalism indoctrination and that our lives had become unmanageable by accepting man-made religions such as Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, new ageism, and others on blind faith instead of rational thought.
2. Understood that while there may be a Creator, it really doesn’t matter that we know who he, she, or it is and that all religions were made up by men to control men’s lives while placing women in servant roles and were culturally, not spiritually inspired.
3. Understood and made a decision not to rely on blind faith and the man-made religions to tell us how to believe and to take responsibility for ourselves by studying history, anthropology, archeology, and biology and draw our own conclusions on how we got here and how to conduct our lives though rational thoughts.
4. Understood that by acting on the love in our hearts instead of hate we will be taking the right action and not by following man-made religions that were based on ancient cultures that were spiritually immature by today’s secular standards.
5. Understood that by believing in man-made religions, we were putting our lives in jeopardy as well as our loved ones by not thinking for ourselves and allowing others to think for us.
6. Understood that by believing in man-made religions, we would be inclined to take sides in international conflicts on the wrong side because we were brainwashed into thinking we were doing our particular god’s work instead of doing righteous actions based on rational thoughts.
7. Understood how believing in man-made gods stunted real spiritual growth.
8. Understood how wrong we were by trying to convert others to our own particular man-made religions and be willing to make amends to them all.
9. Understood how man-made religions have been and are the major causes for conflicts in the world.
10. Understood how political and religious leaders use man-made religions to manipulate their people to do unthinkable irrational things while knowing all the time that religions are nothing more than myths and tools to entice and excite people to do their bidding.
11. Understood that through education and meditation we would improve our conscious contact with a Creator higher than the man-made gods as we understood them, studying for knowledge and the power to carry that out instead of accepting man-made religious ideology that is irrational and contradicts science and common sense thus insuring true spiritual growth.
12. Understood after having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to religious fundamentalist and to practice these principles in all our affairs so as to enlighten religious fundamentalist and set them free from the brainwashing they have experienced in their past.
Newcomers are not asked to accept or follow these Twelve Steps in their entirety if they feel unwilling or unable to do so. They will usually be asked to keep an open mind, to attend meetings at which recovered religious fundamentalist describe their personal experiences in achieving the truth, and to read R.A. literature describing and interpreting the R.A. program. R.A. members will usually emphasize to newcomers that only fundamentalist themselves, individually, can determine whether or not they are in fact a religious fundamentalist.
At the same time, it will be pointed out that all available spiritual testimony indicates that religious fundamentalism is a progressive illness, that it cannot be cured in the ordinary sense of the term, but that it can be arrested through education and thinking for one's own self instead of having to rely on blind faith and believing in the myths and ideology of man-made religious fundamentalism. This includes all major and minor religions of the world!
submitted by Just Sam.
In simplest form, the R.A. program operates when a recovered religious fundamentalist passes along the story of his or her own problems of resulting from man-made religious brainwashing and describes finding peace he or she has found in R.A. and invites the newcomer to join. The heart of the suggested program of personal recovery is contained in Twelve Steps describing the experience of the earliest members of the Society:
1. Understood and admitted we were powerless over religious fundamentalism indoctrination and that our lives had become unmanageable by accepting man-made religions such as Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, new ageism, and others on blind faith instead of rational thought.
2. Understood that while there may be a Creator, it really doesn’t matter that we know who he, she, or it is and that all religions were made up by men to control men’s lives while placing women in servant roles and were culturally, not spiritually inspired.
3. Understood and made a decision not to rely on blind faith and the man-made religions to tell us how to believe and to take responsibility for ourselves by studying history, anthropology, archeology, and biology and draw our own conclusions on how we got here and how to conduct our lives though rational thoughts.
4. Understood that by acting on the love in our hearts instead of hate we will be taking the right action and not by following man-made religions that were based on ancient cultures that were spiritually immature by today’s secular standards.
5. Understood that by believing in man-made religions, we were putting our lives in jeopardy as well as our loved ones by not thinking for ourselves and allowing others to think for us.
6. Understood that by believing in man-made religions, we would be inclined to take sides in international conflicts on the wrong side because we were brainwashed into thinking we were doing our particular god’s work instead of doing righteous actions based on rational thoughts.
7. Understood how believing in man-made gods stunted real spiritual growth.
8. Understood how wrong we were by trying to convert others to our own particular man-made religions and be willing to make amends to them all.
9. Understood how man-made religions have been and are the major causes for conflicts in the world.
10. Understood how political and religious leaders use man-made religions to manipulate their people to do unthinkable irrational things while knowing all the time that religions are nothing more than myths and tools to entice and excite people to do their bidding.
11. Understood that through education and meditation we would improve our conscious contact with a Creator higher than the man-made gods as we understood them, studying for knowledge and the power to carry that out instead of accepting man-made religious ideology that is irrational and contradicts science and common sense thus insuring true spiritual growth.
12. Understood after having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to religious fundamentalist and to practice these principles in all our affairs so as to enlighten religious fundamentalist and set them free from the brainwashing they have experienced in their past.
Newcomers are not asked to accept or follow these Twelve Steps in their entirety if they feel unwilling or unable to do so. They will usually be asked to keep an open mind, to attend meetings at which recovered religious fundamentalist describe their personal experiences in achieving the truth, and to read R.A. literature describing and interpreting the R.A. program. R.A. members will usually emphasize to newcomers that only fundamentalist themselves, individually, can determine whether or not they are in fact a religious fundamentalist.
At the same time, it will be pointed out that all available spiritual testimony indicates that religious fundamentalism is a progressive illness, that it cannot be cured in the ordinary sense of the term, but that it can be arrested through education and thinking for one's own self instead of having to rely on blind faith and believing in the myths and ideology of man-made religious fundamentalism. This includes all major and minor religions of the world!
submitted by Just Sam.
The World According to Monsanto - A documentary that Americans won't ever see
Another one of those "must see" videos...
The History of Oil - Robert Newman
Robert Newman tactfully documents the real story of the politics of oil.
I Am Voting Republican Because (Satire)
I wish the Dems were not bought and paid for, but this is funny because it's true...
Jesus Tapdancing Christ on a Stick! Why Yet Another Blog?
How many times have you seen an article, video, or some such that you wanted to share with everyone possible but hesitated because of whatever reason to post it to Facebook? Okay, maybe that has not happened to you, but it happens to me almost daily. There are real stories by real journalist still being produced, and if you are like me, it was difficult and time consuming to find the sources you could trust. I hope to save you the trouble. That is not to say that sources should not always be checked. Please do, and let me know what you find.
I will also do my best to show no respect for religion and the religious where none is deserved, not just Christianity but all religions. If I offend, and I feel I would have failed if I did not offend someone at some point, then I hope to at least be consistent to reality and equality. As Mark Twain observed,
“You can't reason someone out of something they weren't reasoned into.”
After years of trying, this is becoming more apparent. Everyone is welcome, but atheist, humanist, brights, and the like will enjoy this blog much more and it is you to whom I am catering.(byob) I am not sure that laughter is the best medicine, as Nathan in The Jerk was instructed, I too tend to see a doctor and get rid of it, but if it made me laugh, I will share it here. If it made me think, I will also share it here. It it seems it is important, I will share it here.
That about sums up the whys, whats, and here to fors, so time to get on with it.
I will also do my best to show no respect for religion and the religious where none is deserved, not just Christianity but all religions. If I offend, and I feel I would have failed if I did not offend someone at some point, then I hope to at least be consistent to reality and equality. As Mark Twain observed,
“You can't reason someone out of something they weren't reasoned into.”
After years of trying, this is becoming more apparent. Everyone is welcome, but atheist, humanist, brights, and the like will enjoy this blog much more and it is you to whom I am catering.(byob) I am not sure that laughter is the best medicine, as Nathan in The Jerk was instructed, I too tend to see a doctor and get rid of it, but if it made me laugh, I will share it here. If it made me think, I will also share it here. It it seems it is important, I will share it here.
That about sums up the whys, whats, and here to fors, so time to get on with it.
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